by Lucinda | Dec 22, 2016 | All, Bessie - Our Caravan, Christmas, Getting Ready, Money, UK
A New Home For Bessie Well that went quick! It’s been 5 weeks since we moved into Bessie and a week since we packed her up and moved her to her new storage home, where she’ll spend the next 3 months. Whilst I enjoyed our time with her I do have to say...
by Lucinda | Dec 9, 2016 | All, Bessie - Our Caravan, Getting Ready, UK
It’s a question I get asked a lot… “So, how’s caravan life then?” It’s often coupled with a certain look. Not always and not from everyone, but often. It’s an odd kind of combination look. Perhaps amusement, interest, fear and...
by Lucinda | Nov 24, 2016 | All, Bessie - Our Caravan, UK, When Things Go Wrong
So it’s been 5 days now since we started living in Bessie. We’ve had a few kinks to iron out and a little bit of drama, but for the first time in weeks we had a kind of “normal” day today. The first night after the storm we settled in for the...
by Lucinda | Nov 21, 2016 | All, Bessie - Our Caravan, Most Popular, UK, When Things Go Wrong
So our first night in Bessie and our first night in a caravan ever… and Storm Angus decides to join us. We’ve had a tough week, I’m tired and stressed and feeling a bit wobbly (as I always do when we move home). We settle into the caravan, snuggle...
by Lucinda | Nov 21, 2016 | All, Bessie - Our Caravan, Getting Ready, UK, When Things Go Wrong
So we’re out of the house and have moved into Bessie. It was fucking insanely hard. Possibly the toughest few weeks we’ve had as a family. I’m pretty good at planning and it’s not often they go wrong. But this time I made some mistakes…...