by Lucinda | Feb 19, 2017 | All, Home Ed, Museums, Tenerife
The Top 3 Museums To Visit With Kids in Tenerife The last couple of weeks have been a bit cloudy and rainy here so we’ve had to venture beyond the beaches and find ways to entertain two young boys with tons of energy and fidgety legs. There are lots of museums...
by Lucinda | Feb 15, 2017 | All, Home Ed, Most Popular, Worldschooling
So What’s Home Schooling Really Like? If I’m honest, the answer will probably vary depending on what day you ask. Sometimes it’s a lot of fun. Most days I’m so thankful I get to spend each day with them and raise them myself. When I love the...
by Lucinda | Dec 10, 2016 | All, Home Ed, UK
It’s one of the first questions I’m asked when I tell people our kids don’t go to school. “What about socialisation?” Some people who home ed get really frustrated by it. I don’t. I was home schooled myself so I have a...