I did something pretty awesome today… I cancelled all our direct debits. It felt good.
It’s now less than 4 weeks until we move out of our house and into Bessie. She’s not quite ready for us yet but I’m not going to think about that right now… I’m sure Alan and Cath will get her finished in time. (Bessie is our caravan… she’s in the middle of having some cosmetic/reconstructive surgery at the moment).
The plan is to spend 4 weeks in Bessie before going to stay with my mum for Christmas then on to Tenerife! Yes I know it’s winter and I know it’s cold but the nice people on the caravanning Facebook groups assure me that all we need is a good heater and we’ll be fine.
I hope they are right. I’m not sure our marriage would withstand 4 weeks of me in my tiger onesie…
It was quite satisfying clicking the cancel button on all the monthly bills. I rather enjoyed it. Overall by starting off this way, instead of staying in our house until we leave for Tenerife in January, we’ll save over £2000. Not an amount to sniff at… that could buy us all flights to Bali.
I’ve had a grotty cold for a few days now so no more progress with the packing but I’ll crack on with it again soon.
Other than that it’s all as normal here…log fires, birthday parties, work and walks in the woods.