So I’m not sure I’m having fun yet.
I’m tired, overworked and no matter how much stuff I sell/pack/store my house doesn’t seem to get any emptier!
Still, only one more week to go before we’re out of the house and the first stage of our adventure begins!
If all goes to plan then we should move Bessie (our caravan) onto the site this Wednesday and hand the keys back to the house on Thursday.
It’s all going (roughly) to plan though. We’ve sold most of the stuff we wanted to sell and the boys and I have been moving the rest to our new storage unit. All our flights/cars/apartment etc are all booked for Tenerife (Jan to March). The boys and I have been learning Spanish which is entertaining in itself- My day is now regularly interrupted by Jake shouting out random Spanish words as he jumps from one sofa to the other.
The boys are handling it all well so far. Their beloved trampoline was sold today but they seemed happy enough to let it go to another little boy. Jake was a tad put out when I packed his room but soon perked up when he realised I had left his cars and garage out for him to play with. Josh is well, he’s 12, so he has spent a lot of his time taking advantage of how busy we are and sneaking onto Minecraft at every opportunity.
Bessie isn’t ready yet but I’m not thinking about that. Al and Cath are currently working all day everyday (well as long as the light permits) to get her ship shape and ready for our arrival. I’m sure it will be fine…
This week has been the most challenging so far – juggling 2 busy businesses and 2 kids whilst renovating the caravan and selling/packing everything has left us all a tad stressed, but it’s to be expected really. I’d usually run the stress off but due to an old injury in my foot my physio has forbidden all running for 3 weeks. Great timing! 😀
I almost didn’t write this post as it’s a tad whingey and that’s not my usual style, but the purpose of this blog is to not only keep friends and family up to date and to share travel tips for other families, but also for us to look back on and remember our journey – both the good bits and the not so good. So here it is…
In other news… we’ve been making the most of the holiday season. We’re not going to be here this time next year so unless Thailand celebrates Halloween and Bonfire Night I doubt we’ll get to take part in them. We’ve been to Halloween parties, gone pumpkin picking and carving and attended the usual bonfire/fireworks. It’s been fun – But I am looking forward to some sunshine soon!
I doubt I’ll get chance to post again before we move so I guess I’ll see you on the other side!